Biodiversity Research Centre

Mizoram University (Tanhril) Aizawl, P.O Box No. 190

List of Species in the Category - All

Specimen Name Local Name IUCN Habit Ecological Status Action
Oberonia mucronata (D.Don) Ormerod and Seidenfaden NA NA Epiphyte Under partial shades on tees, hot to warm condition
Oberonia pachyrachis Rchb.f. ex Hook.f. NA NA Terrestrial Under partial shade on forest soil with litters, warm climate
Oberonia platycaulon Wight NA NA Epiphyte / Lithophyte Under partial shade in warm temperature
Oberonia pyrulifera Lindl. NA NA Epiphyte Under partial shade in warm temperature
Oberonia rufilabris Lindl. NA NA Epiphyte Under partial shade on tree trunks in cool temperate condition
Ornithochilus difformis (Wall.ex Lindl.) Schltr. Leihniar NA Epiphyte Under dappled shade, warm to cool temperature
Otochilus albus Lindl. NA NA Epiphyte / Lithophyte Under partial shade, warm to cool condition
Otochilus fuscus Lindl. NA NA Epiphyte Under partial shade, moderate cool temperature
Otochilus porrectus Lindl. NA NA Epiphyte Under partial shade in cool temperature
Panisea demissa (D. Don) Pfitzer NA NA Epiphyte Under shaded cool temperature
Panisea tricallosa Rolfe NA NA Epiphyte Under bright sun light, on tree trunks. cool temperature
Panisea uniflora (Lindl.) Lindl. NA NA Epiphyte Under partial shade, warm temperature
Paphiopedilum hirsutissimum (Lindl.) Stein NA Endangered Terrestrial/Lithophyte On high cliffs, moist rocks with litters in full exposure to sun light
Paphiopedilum insigne (Wall. ex Lindl.) Pfitz NA Endangered Terrestrial/Lithophyte Under partial shade in cool temperature
Paphiopedilum spicerianum (Rchb.f. ex Masters and T. Moore) Pfitzer NA Endangered Terrestrial/Lithophyte On rocky cliffs with mosses and litters, warm to cool temperature
Paphiopedilum villosum (Lindl.) Pfitz Zawngatuikhur Endangered Terrestrial/Lithophyte Under partial shade on rocks/forest humus soils with litters, hot to cool temperature
Papilionanthe teres (Roxb.) Schltr. NA NA Epiphyte In an open forest, exposed to sunlight in warm humid condition
Papilionanthe vandarum (Rchb. f.) Garay NA NA Epiphyte Under shaded in cool condition
Parkia timoriana (DC.) Merr Zawngtah Least Concern "Medium-sized to large deciduous tree 20-40m." "lowland rain forest ,mixed deciduous and dry evergreen forests"
Pelatantheria insectifera (Reichb.f,) Tantheria NA Epiphyte Under partial shade in hot to warm temperature
Peristylus constrictus (Lindl.) Lindl. NA NA Terrestrial NA
Peristylus goodyeroides (D. Don) Lindl. NA NA Terrestrial Under partial shade, cool condition
Phaius flavus (BI.) LindL NA NA Terrestrial Under partial shade, cool moist condition
Phaius mishmensis (LindL & Paxton) Rchb.f. NA NA Terrestrial In deep shade, cool condition
Phaius tankervilleae (Banks) Blume Sasan NA Terrestrial In an open, damp river banks