Biodiversity Research Centre

Mizoram University (Tanhril) Aizawl, P.O Box No. 190

List of Species in the Category - All

Specimen Name Local Name IUCN Habit Ecological Status Action
Spathoglottis plicata Blume NA NA Terrestrial Semi deciduous and deciduous dry lowland forest
Stereochilus hirtus Lindl. NA NA Epiphyte NA
Sunipia andersonii (King and Pantling) NA NA Epiphyte Under partial shade, cool temperature
Sunipia scariosa Lindl. NA NA Epiphyte Under partial shade, cool temperature
Tainia viridifusca (Hook.) Bentham ex Hook NA NA Terrestrial Open hill slopes, open and warm condition
Thelasis pygmaea (Gruff.) NA NA Epiphyte Under partial, hot to warm condition
Thrixspermum trichoglottis (Hook.f.) Kuntze NA NA Epiphyte Under partial shade, hot to warm temperature
Thunia alba var bracteata (Roxb.) NA NA Epiphyte / Lithophyte Under partial in cool temperature, grows on rock in some pockets
Thunia alba var. alba. (Lindl.) Rchb.f. NA NA Epiphyte Exposure to sunlight in warm to moderately cool temperature
Trevesia palmata Kawhtebel, Muke, Ui lukhuh Least Concern Small prickly evergreen tree 3-8 m. tall Sub-tropical or tropical moist lowland
Trias disciflora (Rolfe) Rolfe NA NA Epiphyte Under partial shade, hot to warm temperature
Trichotosia dasyphylla (E.C. Parish & Rchb. f.) Kraenzl NA NA Epiphyte The species grows with Pyrrosia nummularia on the branches of Castanopsis indica
Tropidia angulosa (Lindl.) NA NA Terrestrial Under shaded, warm humid condition
Uncifera acuminata Lindl. NA NA Epiphyte Under partial shade in warm condition
Uncifera obtusifolia Lindl. NA NA Epiphyte Under partial shade, hot humid condition
Vanda alpina (Lindl.) Lindl. NA NA Epiphyte Under partial shade in warm condition
Vanda coerulea Griff, ex Lindl. Lawhlei Endangered Epiphyte In an opened forest,warm condition
Vanda coerulescens Griff. Lawhlei-te NA Epiphyte In an opened forest,warm to hot temperature
Vanda cristata Wall. ex Lindl. NA NA Epiphyte Full exposure to light in warm condition
Vanda pumila Hook.f. NA NA Epiphyte NA
Vanda stangeana Reichb.f. NA NA Epiphyte Under partial shade in moderately cool temperature
Vanda testaceae (Lindl.) Rchb.f. NA NA Epiphyte NA
Zanthoxylum rhetsa (Roxb.) DC Singzuor Least concern Deciduous tree with a spreading crown growing up to 35 meters tall Rainforest and coastal thickets
Zeuxine flava (Wall. ex Lindl.) Trimen NA NA Terrestrial Under light to medium shade, top soil with leaf litters
Zeuxine goodyeriodes Lindl. NA NA Terrestrial Under shaded, cool moist condition with litters