Biodiversity Research Centre

Mizoram University (Tanhril) Aizawl, P.O Box No. 190

List of Species in the Category - All

Specimen Name Local Name IUCN Habit Ecological Status Action
Eria globulifera Seid NA NA Epiphyte Under shaded condition, hot and warm temperature
Eria lacei NA NA Epiphyte In exposure to sunlight, warm temperature
Eria lasiopetala (Willd.) Ormerod NA NA Epiphyte Exposure to light, warm and hot temperature
Eria sutepensis Rolfe ex Downie NA NA Epiphyte Under shaded, hot to warm temperature
Eria vittata Lindl. NA NA Epiphyte Under partial shade, cool temperature
Eriodes barbata (Lindl.) Rolfe NA NA Epiphyte / Lithophyte Under partial shade, cool temperature
Eryngium foetidum L. Bahkhawr/Bachikhawm N/A Tropical perennial herb Terrestrial,Sub-Tropical / Monsoonal
Erythrorchis altissima (Blume) Blume Lei-nauban NA Terrestrial NA
Esmeralda clarkei Rchb.f. NA NA Epiphyte Under shaded cool temperature
Eulophia spectabilis (Dennstedt) Suresh NA NA Terrestrial/Saprophyte Under shaded condition in cool temperature with forest debris
Eulophia zollingeri (Rchb,f,) J.J.Sm. Lei-par NA Terrestrial NA
Galeola lindleyana (Hook.f. & Thoms.) Rchb.f. NA NA Terrestrial NA
Gastrochilus calceolaris (Buchanan-Hamilton ex J.E. Smith) D. Don. NA Critically Endangered (IUCN,2009) Epiphyte Under shaded cool temperature at high altitude
Gastrochilus dasypogon (Sm.) Kuntze NA NA Epiphyte Under shaded, cool temperature
Gastrochilus distichus (Lindl.) Kuntze NA NA Epiphyte Under partial shade , warm temperature
Gastrochilus inconspicuus (Hook.f.)Kuntze NA NA Epiphyte Under shaded, hot to warm temperature
Gastrochilus obliquus (Lindl.) Kuntze NA NA Epiphyte NA
Gastrochilus pseudodistichus (King & Pantl.) Seidenf NA NA Epiphyte Under partial shade, cool temperature
Goodyera foliosa (Lindl.) NA NA Terrestrial On forest floor in shady places with forest debris
Goodyera procera (Ker Gawl.) Hook. NA NA Terrestrial NA
Habenaria dentata (Sw.) Schltr NA NA Terrestrial/Lithophyte On forest floor, open sun light with warm temperature, found occasionally growing on rocks
Habenaria reniformis (D. Don) Hook.f. NA NA Terrestrial NA
Habenaria rhodocheila Hance NA NA Terrestrial On forest floor with debris, open warm condition
Herpysma longicaulis Lindl. NA NA Terrestrial On forest floor with debris,under shaded condition with cool temperature
Hetaeria affinis (Gruff.) Seidenfaden & Ormerod NA NA Terrestrial Under shaded, high humidity